Monday, 28 March 2011

3 days to go ...

Time is now ticking ever faster as we approach take off (Thurs 10p.m.).

Last minute supplies purchased, comms set up, individual e mail addresses established for the team, paperwork all e mailed to Kathmandu, bookings taken for the B&B and another 2 enquiries for Ama Dablam - one for this year and one for next.

Chatted with the Sirdar this morning and he's all set - so we are meeting for coffee in Kathmandu on Saturday. How bizarre.

Now I just have to pack. Thankfully most of my kit and equipment is already out there but even so I can't decide where to start - especially with the med supplies.

And what I have here is but a third of our medical kit. Hmmm


  1. Can't wait to read your updates from the mountain!

    Best of luck to you and your team!


  2. Have a great trip Tim - and make sure that Giles character pulls his weight.

    Andy (Cockermouth)

  3. I don't see any savlon?

    Safe journey.
    Dr Jonathan

  4. Savlon! I knew I'd missed something.

    Thanks for the comments chaps and chappesses - follow the story ....
