Monday, 21 March 2011

Films, books and music for Everest

Just managed to get a bunch of films across to the iPad to keep the team entertained for the forthcoming Everest expedition. So we've got from good old Matrix, Bourne and Ocean's trilogies to the likes of Usual Suspects, Fightclub and Plunkett and Macleane but also including a spot of Holy Grail, Dr Strangelove, Borat and Life of Brian for the lighter hearted moments. There's also Snatch, Lockstock, Lucky Number Slevin, Memento and Layercake to mention but a few. Touching the Void - yes. Avalanche? Alive? Vertical Limits? At the moment a resounding no as I have thankfully run out of space.

But what of music and podcasts? What would you take? And books? A great time to read some tome that you would never otherwise consider. War and Peace for instance. But then it's difficult to get stuck in to something that is too heavy when we are trying to remain upbeat and optimistic. It's great to be able to read some easy drivel - but then we also have to consider that people might visit our mess tent and our reading material may well give people the wrong impression of our team of hardy mountaeers. Particularly if all we have on the table is some Jackie Collins novels, the latest Loaded and anything by Dan Brown.

Here's to an entertaining trip.

No where did I put my copy of "Dark Majesty: The Secret Brotherhood and the Magic of a Thousand Points of Light?" (No 11 on the Amazon list of 'Worst Books Ever Written.')

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