Sunday, 17 April 2011

Latest updates

After a 20Km trek up and down a 5,500m peak yesterday we are now based in Tagnag just below the Cho La pass and will be moving to our high camp (around 5,000m) tomorrow, before dropping down to Dzongla the following day.

The team are all connecting really well together and suffice to say we are having an absolutely brilliant time. Given the enormity of what lies ahead for pretty much the whole of May it's great that we are having a light hearted start to the trip (as well as a great acclimatisaion schedule). Everyone is in fine spirits and are already looking out for each other and concerned for everyone else's welfare. This was one of the underpinning objectives that I had for our acclimatisation trek, and has got to make us a stronger team when we are on the hill, rather than a group of disparate clients who are more concerned for themselves than their tent partners.

As with many funny episodes and anecdotes it is sometimes difficult for the humour to come across and often 'you had to be there.' So you may, or may not, be able to comprehend the funny side of following:

Giles has a bum bag full of games. Originally named the 'bum bag of fun' it is now the 'bag of bum fun' (titter titter). It makes us laugh every time.

Jen was telling us about her AA powered electric gloves (for providing warmth on the hill) and we wondered if Ann Summers may have a similar item but with different connotations? And what would be the implications of taking the wrong gloves to the South Col?

When asked 'whose is this battery?' Susan answered that it belonged in her bra! So electric gloves AND electric bras - hence the enigmatic smile.

Susan later managed to recreate a scene from Green Wing (when one of the characters is so moved by having her jubblies wobbled that she starts to sing an opera by Puchini) - and not only that, but it was full frontal (clothed) to the video camera that she didn't realise was recording. Youtube here we come!

We have also managed to come up with the theory for a solar powered head torch which is powered at night by a mechanism that is connected to the boots that generates light that shines from the helmet on to a photo cell which powers the torch. A Wallace and Gromitt style contraption - we have yet to make a working model.

Lastly Giles recounted a story of when he was younger and in some Scottish hills. Unaware that it would get dark at 3.30 in the afternoon his friend had left his headtorch in the car and Giles' torch had run out of juice - and they needed to read the map to be able to get down off the hill. 'No problem' said Giles and came up with the cunning plan of shooting the flash on his camera (pre digital) for them to instantaneously catch a glimpse of the map. The result? A purple rectangle imprinted on their retinas for the next 40 minutes. South Col with a flat battery? 'Don't worry Lakpa, I have a cunning plan ...'

But like I said - you had to be there at the time.

Just about to get the iPad and speakers set up and take in a movie so gotta dash.

That's all for now folks - but please keep the e mails coming in for the team - it's a tremendous boost. Or you can text your support to my mobile on 00977 98131 65232 and I'll pass on messages accordingly.

Ciao for now - Tim and Co


  1. Greetings from a sunny UK (though I'd rather be out there with you guys!), it sounds like you've got a great team working spirit, hopefully you will all remain well and summit the Big One (weather permitting), please say a big "bum cheese & rackinots" to my sister Abi!

  2. It all sounds amazing Tim! Keep up the good work. Hxx
