Sunday, 24 April 2011

snippets from the txts

Firstly if you are with O2 and trying to get your texts to the Everest Team - Give up now... You'll need to borrow a phone using a different service provider (don't forget to start your text with "To [name of person or persons sending to]")
Here are some of the text based updates from the gang:

Team at Gorak Shep for tea and biccies, then off to Everest Base Camp (EBC), our home for the next 5 weeks. Let the fun begin!

Trekked through Scottish Winter Conditions Yesterday. Gloriously sunny this morning (at the moment but clouds are building!) Off to Sleep at 5,300m

Had a great night at 5,450m. Having a second night then we'll be at EBC on the 23rd. Then the real work begins!

Arrived at EBC in fine fettle! Snowing at the moment and apparently set in for the next 4 days.

Been rumbled. Kenton trekked to EBC in 4 days. Therefore it goes without saying we've just had two weeks on a beach.

A group who look barely capable of trekking to EBC have turned up. Turns out they are the Nepalese Civil Service Everest Team. OMG!

Word on the grapevine is The Khumbu Icefall is in this year. We'll go have a look in a day or two.

...On Pokalde (a tad over 5,800m) Great views all round. Heading back to Kongma La for second night.

Tim & Co

That's all for now folks. I'll keep posting to the blog as news comes in. apologies if the texts appear in the wrong order (it's how they come through and let’s not forget where they're coming from)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tim and all,
    the Nepali Everest team that showed up at EBC did Island Peak on the same day as us(not all of them!) - some came down the summit ridge on their bottoms scared stiff - good luck to them on the big one!
    We had our Easter Eggs and a great shower back home - thinking of you and wishing you all the best of Luck
    Doris and Mike
