Thursday, 28 March 2013

Tick, tock, tickety tock ...

Counting down and it's the last full day in the UK before I jet to Nepal and meet my trusty team for our forthcoming Everest expedition.

Most of the stuff is in place - just a few last minute things to do like pick up the last of the medicines I have ordered, have a FaceTime chat with a chap in Australia, go to the bank, cancel a Direct Debit, sort some currency, e mail Nepal (again), find my passport and tickets, e mail some of my Ama Dablam clients for their forthcoming trip this November (limited spaces available folks), get some photos printed off for when I arrive in KTM, find my Nepal mobile and charger, collect some deliveries that are (hopefully) going to Needlepsorts later today, buy a wireless mouse, pop some patches on some salopettes to stop the down leaking, finish packing, collect the kids and then spend some quality time with them before bath, books and bed time.

Oh, nearly forgot, there are guests staying at the B&B so I have to clear the dining room, load the dishwasher, hoover the hall and stairs, tidy their room and pop some new towels in for them as they are here for 6 nights.

Whilst I'm at it I may as well put the washing in the dryer and get a new wash on.

But apart from that I'm all ready.

First things first - I'm off for a coffee!

1 comment:

  1. Tim you are officially MAD!!! Good luck fella, see you in june :)
