Sunday, 14 April 2013


Just a quick update … we arrived Dingboche (4,400m) yesterday and are now having a nice day resting, washing, showering and generally chilling. Watched Monty Python & The Holy Grail last night which is being requoted and re enacted today with much hilarity.

Tomorrow we're off to a beautiful camp site above Bibre and after that we'll be gaining height up to the Kongma La (around 5,300m) - the campsite with the best views in The Khumbu. We'll be there for two nights before dropping down and making our way to arrive EBC on the 20th.

Comms may be limited until EBC bit if I get a chance I'll fire another update across.

Out for now - Tim & Co


  1. Great! Good Luck Tim and take care. I wish you and your clients lots of success. Someday I will join you too. :)

    1. Hi Amandeep, many thanks for the comment - I only wish I had seen it earlier and replied sooner. I wasn't able to access the incoming Blog comments whilst I was away and I've only just got round to reviewing the comments.

      I'll be back again next year so I hope you follow us again (or by all means get in touch if you are interested in a trip in the future).

      Cheers - Tim

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    1. Hi Andrew, many thanks for the comment - I only wish I had seen it earlier and replied sooner. I wasn't able to access the incoming Blog comments whilst I was away and I've only just got round to reviewing the comments. Sorry for the late acknowledgment.

      I'll be back again next year so I hope you'll follow our progress again.

      Cheers - Tim
