Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Resting and waiting ... and waiting ...

So now that we are done and dusted with the rotations and acclimatisatioin schedule it is time to wait, and be patient ... our time will come.

A few days ago it looked like there may be some favourable weather and a few of us were primed and eagerly waiting the green light. The weather changed significantly enough for us to realise that it would be far too windy to be venturing up the hill and so we all descended to EBC. That was a couple of days ago and we are now waiting and watching and listening and being patient.

For me this is a difficult period because folk often feel that sitting at Base Camp is wasted time. The weather doesn't look to be bad enough for long enough to warrant dropping down the valley for a rest at lower elevations - it would be a shame to go down to be called straight back up again when the weather was looking to improve. That would amount to quite a lot of effort being expended in the name of having a rest!

So we are confining ourselves to Base Camp for the time being and spending time chilling, reading, playing cards, stuffing ourselves with snacks and generally trying not to think too much about the reality of the forthcoming exertions .... whenever that may be.

For the time being I'll not even divulge any thoughts about dates and potential weather windows because I would hate for folk to start getting all in tizz and excited about nothing. The other reason is that there are some expeditions watching what we and other teams are doing. Not only are they watching at Base Camp but they are tracking our blog, tweets and updates. If I mentioned potential dates, only to find that I was unable to update a change of plan because of lack of reception on the hill, then this could have far reaching consequences for teams who are not so well equipped with weather updates. The other thing is that we are obviously keen to keep our cards close to our chest to try and make the best use of the information that we have.

We do have some great allies and are happy to be working in cooperation with some of the other well respected teams ... but we are VERY wary of the lesser equipped teams who have clients who are clearly out of their depth who have signed up with companies who have a very poor success rate and a very low pedigree.

So for the time being that is it - we are waiting and there is very little to add. Even if the situation  changes I may not necessarily update but please don't lose patience you'll find out about our successes in due course.

That's all for now. Except to add my usual thanks for all the messages of support. It means a LOT.

Cheers - Tim & Co


  1. Good luck Tim. Got me fingers and toes Xd for ya lot :)

  2. Trying to keep up to date with your briefings but sometimes the comments just won't go through. It must be a difficult time for you all, just watching and waiting. How's Ilina doing, your last minute passenger, good I hope. Fingers crossed for you all. Cheers Kate

  3. Hi Tim, Adam, Tom & co - I've been thinking about you folks each day now. Keep warm, keep safe, and keep eating the hob-nobs (food of champions). Giles
