Sunday, 1 December 2013

Ama Dablam 2013 by numbers (if you are interested)

A quick breakdown in figures about the recent Ama Dablam expedition that you may, or may not, have been following:

Time planning - 18 months
E mails - in excess of 1,000
Duration of trip - 28 days KTM to KTM
Trekking - 5 days in, 3 days out
Stay at Base Camp or above - 17 nights
ABC - 3 nights
Camp 1 - 3 nights
Camp 2 - 1 or 2 nights depending on whether people slept there on the way down or continued on down to C1 or BC
Camp 2.9 - 0 nights as there wasn't anywhere to pitch tents this year
Camp 3 - 0 nights this year due to the excessive snowfall in October

Freight from the UK - 175kg
Haglofs clothing for the Sherpas - 30kg
Meaning - they all got a pair of approach shoes and 2 items of clothing
Fudge bars - 1 box of 60
Which lasted - 11 hours
as well as :
Tunnock’s bars (more than 5,000,000 are made and sold every week) - 48
Jelly babies, Licquorice Allsorts, Tangfastics etc - 108 packets
Beef jerky - 40 packs
Fizzy cola bottles, tangy strawberries etc - 6 boxes
Tuna sachets - 42
Beef jerky - 35 packets
Swiss Roll / Golden Syrup cake / Soreen Malt Loaf - 55
Boil in the tub jam sponge pudding – 32

Cheese from the UK:
Babybel- 48
Mini cheddar portions – 60
Vache Qui Ri - 72 triangles
Primula squeezy cheese - 30 tubes
Mature Cheddar - 7kg
Immature cheddar - 'knickers'

Excess baggage KTM to Lukla - 640kg
Total loads Lukla to Base Camp - 33
Carried by - 12 yaks & 15 porters
Full (to overflowing) super market trolleys in KTM - 5 (trolleys left in KTM as the trail is a bit uneven)
Consisting of (amongst other items):
Gherkins / olives - 17 large jars
Dried fruit - 104 packets
Biscuits - 254 packets
Nuts (peanuts, cashews & pistachios) - 112 packets
Pate - 45 tins
Chocolate - 220 bars
AAA batteries - 120
AA batteries - 80
Ground coffee - 5kg
Cafetieres - 3

Total loads to Base Camp from Pangboche - 17
Kitchen tent - 1
Store tents - 2
Toilet tents - 2
Shower tent - 1
Other Base Camp tents - 27
Mountain tents - 18
Cookers - 17
Pan sets - 15
Rope - 600m
Gas cylinders - 115
Toilet rolls - 120
Blue barrels - 7 (my personal gear)
Blue barrels - 10 (expedition gear)
Kitbags - 8 (misc items)
1st aid supplies – 1 kitbag (weighing 17kg)
Walkie talkies - 30
Playing cards - 3 decks
Connect - 4

Estimate of eggs consumed - in excess of 450

Medication administered:
Paracetamol - 57 strips
Strepsils - 28 strips
Diamox - 9 strips
Amoxycillin - 7 strips
Cipro - 3 strips
Sudafed - 5 strips
Dressings - 2
Plasters - 3
O2 sats measured - 11 times
Stethoscope used - 3 times
Dex, Nifedipine, Oxygen - 0

Number of expedition members - 18
Plus - 2 leaders
From - 6 different countries
From - 6'5" down to 5'2.5"
Number of Climbing Sherpas - 7
With - 59 Everest summits between them (& over 70 ascents of Ama Dablam)
Successful summits - 18 Western & 12 Sherpa summits
Meaning that - Jon Gupta and 5 of the Climbing Sherpas summited twice in the season
And also meaning that - The Climbing Sherpas now have over 80 summits under their collective belts
Quickest ascent from Camp 2 - 5 hours

Sirdar -1
Who I have known for - 10 years
And we have worked together on - 14 expeditions
Cook - 1 (Pasang Temba) who has cooked at Camp 2 on Everest for 19 years running)
Cook crew - 3
With – Kumar based at Camp 1 for the majority of the summit wave providing endless amounts of very welcome hot water
Tips for the crew - in excess of £1,350
Sherpa summit bonuses - over £1,500

Liaison Officers - 2
Seen - Nonce

Friends I met whilst here:
Nepali / Sherpa friends - 48
Westerner friends - 19
Not including - the group of 18 clients who I now consider to be friends (of a fashion - using the word friend in the widest possible context)

Temperature range:
Low - minus 20 (first night at Base Camp)
High - plus 27
Wind chill - down to -30

Movies watched:
Now you see me
Lucky number Slevin
And something else that I missed as I was busy

Time to get to the reception for texting and calling area - around 20 minutes (down) and 30 (back again)

Average number of showers per person - 2
Average items laundered - 7

Most memorable conversation:
Dave - 'These binoculars are work issue.'
Carl - 'What are they for?'
Dave - 'Looking at things that are far away.'

Most memorable view - watching the full moon rise behind Ama Dablam

Altitudes :
Lukla - 2,850m (top of the runway)
Base Camp - 4,660m (when the tide is in)
ABC - 5,450m (middle row of tents)
Camp 1 - 5,850m (our pitch around the corner)
Camp 2 - 6,050m (it's not big enough to differentiate between different tents really)
Summit - 6,856m
Seito on the summit - 6,858m

Summit panorama - uninterrupted for 360 degrees

Fun factor - Type 2 fun

Achievement factor 100%

Number of people signed up for Ama Dablam 2014 - 7
Meaning - there are limited places available
So - get in touch if you are interested
On -

In the meantime - the next expedition is Everest Spring 2014.
With updates available on -
And -

So - stay tuned
And - I hope that you enjoy the show.

Yours - Tim

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