Thursday, 18 December 2014

Interactive mountain panoramas coming to a smartphone in your pocket.

Well it's been a while but a) I have been away and b) since getting back I have been ill.

I'll write an Ama Dablam round up on another occasion but this time I'm just pointing you to a new page on my Everest website where I have compiled all my interactive panoramas. There's a selection of panoramas taken in the Everest region and they are all now available on this page.

If you view them on a laptop / desktop then you can get them to autorotate, turn the labels on or off and zooooom right in. There is soooo much detail it is quite stunning ... even though I say so myself. 

On a smartphone or tablet you can either use the touch screen to scroll around or, best of the lot, just point it up, down, left or reght and it will show you what is up, down left or right. Incredible!

This has been done in conjunction with the maestro of photographic stitching software - Thomas Worbs. He runs his own website at and he also has a FaceBook page - In all he has a 1,000+ panoramas and growing. Why not give him a visit and a 'like' and you'll receive notification of any new posts.

In the meantime I hope that you enjoy the show.

1 comment:

  1. I am always amazed by the activities you undertake each year. You are so professional and organised that I wouldn't hesitate to recommend you to any friend. I look forward to following you in 2015 and meanwhile I hope you have a happy Christmas and a safe and successful
    New Year.
