Sunday, 23 May 2010

B&B, scrambling & Ama Dablam - a busy day

Well ...

up at 06.15 to cook breakfast for our guests who wanted an early start for their mass ascent of Scafell Pike. They have chosen possibly the hottest day of the year so far which is good and bad - great views but a day to get frazzled.

Cleared the dining room, loaded the dishwashers, had a quick breakfast and managed to fit in a coffee with Ali at Good Taste before heading down the valley to meet some clients for scrambling. Mooched in to Langstrath and had a perfect day on Cam Crag Ridge before heading back across Bessy Boot and down Big Stanger Ghyll.

Back home, took 2 bookings for the B&B and answered a couple of e mails to do with rock climbing and the forthcoming expedition to Ama Dablam (the enquiries just keep coming in this year) and then helped sort the kids for bedtime before cracking on with a spot of ironing. Luckily I was saved after about half an hour by Andy and Jon who dropped by to chat about their forthcoming trip to Ama Dablam (thanks for the bottle of wine guys). Talked through a whole load of stuff to do with the trip and put everything in to perspective for them. I think they'll be maxing out the credit cards with a few purchases from Needlesports.

Bed at midnight so an 18 hour day.

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