Thursday, 20 May 2010

My 15 minutes of fame

Well the Everest summit season is underway and a new record has been set by Bonita Norris who is now the youngest British female to summit. As a consequence of that I was called by Radio Cumbria and asked for my views as well as recollections of our trip in 2005. In actual fact this then made my day quite a bit busier as I felt I ought to do a little research before the broadcast - which meant that I wasn't doing the chores around the house that needed completing. The knock on affect was that it made for a long day and I eventually finished making beds and cleaning en suites at about 11p.m. to then lay the tables ready for brekkers.

They very kindly sent me a copy of the live broadcast - I hope that you enjoy it.

As ever there have been the usual e mail enquiries to answer, bookings to process and calls to take. Also another 2 Ama Dablam enquiries who are following up on their initial interest - so this year's trip is almost full already.

Talking of Ama Dablam we had a couple round last night who had been on last year's trip so it was great to catch up with them. The legend that is Stuart Holmes (he who flew off the summit) was also round so a good night was had by all. It's nice that clients from the expeditions keep in touch as we have generally spent a month or so together and in that time you usually build up quite a rapport. I still hear from over 80% of them from time to time, which I take as a great compliment. I guess that's where the bespoke personal touch really comes in to its own.

Anyway I've also managed to fit in a couple of runs, almost finished off the accounts, tested the fire alarm and emergency lighting, bought supplies and new pillows, ordered a new table, attended a food hygiene course, was out climbing with some clients on Saturday and am off scrambling this coming weekend with another group of folk.

Oh, and I have just heard that play area project was entered in to the regional Action for Market Towns award scheme. And out of the whole Northwest, it won! Hurrah.

Who said running a B&B was a quiet, easy, life???

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